Maybe we could never imagine how bad the number from the following data. Based on data, everyday in Greater Jakarta with 30 million people, generate ± 14,000 tons of solid waste[1]; ± 30,000 MLD domestic wastewater; and ± 563,000 tons CO2[2]. Municipal solid waste is a large source of methane which contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG)s emission and it’s also raise leachate from its organic fraction. Improperly treated wastewater gives direct detrimental impacts on water bodies that we used for drinking resource. The abundance of water reserves does not mean that it is safe us from a water scarcity, since the concern is how to manage sustainable water resource. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted through human activities is the primary GHG. The continued emission of GHS cause global warming and have irreversible long-term impact in environment as well as human.
The higher pollutant concentrations, lead to reduce self-purifying capacity of the universe. Subsequently, ecosystem degradation is before our eyes and neglecting those challenges is a worse.
Indonesia as a densely populated country spread across tropical islands, is considered highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Improved approaches to water management will be critical for green growth, seeing that water susceptible to climate variability and change. Water has strong interaction to other major socio-economic sector including sanitation and hygiene, human settlements, agriculture, energy, and ecosystem.
In this spirit, wastewater treatment offers a range of adaptation and mitigation opportunities. one of them is by applying WWTP technology in Indonesia (Wastewater Treatment Plant). Safely managed water and sanitation will be protecting public health during adverse effects of increased flooding and drought. Water conservation -use efficiently and water loss reduction, are carried out in a way reuse of wastewater and its constituents. That’s not only directly and substantially contribute to GHG mitigation, but also become more operational cost-effective.
Unfortunately, the climate crisis cannot be solved simply by improving adaptation in water management, and mitigation alone will not solve the water crisis or meet the SDG for water supply and sanitation. However water has that adaptation and mitigation climate change framework offers. So, ignore the role improve water management is certain to derail any significant progress towards solving either climate and water crises.