In a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) system, a sedimentation or sedimentation structure is generally required, which functions to collect/reduce solids or sludge.

Sedimentation buildings or water treatment sedimentation are generally placed at the beginning, or what is usually also called Primary Sedimentation and at the end of processing, or what is also known as Secondary Sedimentation. By flowing water through the depositional building, the hope is that at the output of this building the quality of the water is better than the content of mud particles or has met the expected settling capacity (gravity / down flow).


 There are several forms of sedimentation buildings, among others;

  • Circle (Crycle)
  • Square (Square)
  • Rectangle ( Rectangular )
The choice of the form of the Sedimentation building depends on the habit of the planner, where adjustments by the planner can be seen based on the condition of the layout or layout of the building mass, the size of the building, whether or not a mud collection machine is needed.

If we take wastewater and put it in a measuring cup, then we can see the conditions that appear in it, here is the process:
1. Water mixed with mud into one.
2. The water begins to enter the deposition process, where the top part starts to look clear, then in the middle there is still a mixture of water and mud particles, then the bottom has formed mud deposits.
3. In the end the process is divided into two areas; the top of the clear area and the bottom of the sedimentary area, or it can also be called the Depositional Zone,
In order for the deposition process to take the place properly, the sludge extraction process must have a sufficient height in the manufacture of the tank, so that with the continuous inflow, there will be no disturbance when the particles settle.

- For small circular or square-shaped buildings / tanks (< 4 meters), the floor can be conical with an angle of 60 degrees to the flat plane. Thus, the sludge collection machine is no longer needed.
- For large circular buildings, where the floor is relatively flat, i.e. a minimum of 1 : 10, the Sludge Hopper is placed in the center of the building. The type of scraper driving machine can be used by Central Drive or Rim Drive.
- As for rectangular buildings, the floor is made flat and a mud bag is placed on the shortest side. The speed of the Sludge Scraper should be no more than 3-5cm/second so as not to cause mud turbulence. For circular buildings the velocity is measured at the velocity at the edges.
- On the Sludge Hopper floor or the place where the mud is collected, it should not be too wide so that the mud suction pipe can reach it and can be sucked out, especially for sludge that uses chemicals (polymer). For a round building, diameter 60cm is good enough for a round building.

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